Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So tired it hurts

Getting back into the swing of things for preschool has been tough on my little buds. They spent today tired from the get-go. Last night Spencer had a complete meltdown at bedtime. He was so overtired he couldn't calm down but so exhausted it made me sad. Today Evie requested a nap. She didn't actually sleep, but I think being still for 30 minutes snuggled with Mama made the rest of the day just a wee bit easier.

After we picked Spencer up from school and ate lunch we vacuumed the sofa. Ick. After that we stopped by the library to get a book that the website said was on the shelves (it wasn't) and then walked to a small park a few blocks away after visiting the polar bear sculpture in front of the library. The walk was nice, though I did have to carry Evie almost the whole way back.

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