Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas baking season

I've finally started this year's baking. The family chose gingerbread, sugar, soy nut butter, and oatmeal cookies. I pointed out that the last two were really more general purpose cookies, but they were demanded of me. So there.

We made the soy nut butter cookies today (little do they realize I'm going to get rid of half of them at a party tomorrow) and the dough for the gingerbread cookies. The kids really don't have the patience to do all that in one day, but that's what they wanted to do. Then they played in the sand outside while I cleaned up.

That reminds me, is anyone else having trouble getting in the Christmas spirit this year? I've done no shopping. Nothing. And it's almost 60 degrees outside! Where's the winter weather? That would surely help my desire to be Christmas-y.

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