Monday, September 11, 2006

Busy day for a sick person

Spencer is still sick and I think we're not quite at the worst of it yet. Alan's still convinced it's allergies. I had to give Spencer a breathing treatment this morning so I don't really care if it's allergies or a cold. It still stinks.

This morning we got the kitchen floor cleaned right off the bat before we took Evie to dancing. She loves dancing. Loves, loves, LOVES dancing. Poor Spencer was bored most of the time. After that we went to the local co-op since it was member discount day. Then home for lunch and a little more guitar learning (Spencer likes to listen to the CD that came with the lesson books thought I really can't figure out why). After that on to Kroger for our second grocery stop of the day.

And then, the kicker. We managed to get Evie dressed for soccer, complete with shin guards. I begged and pleaded until they each had snack so they wouldn't get hungry during her soccer class. We get there, and...cancelled. No warning, nobody seemed to know. The guy who runs it wasn't even there. Supposedly the fields were too wet. Oh well. I guess Evie gets an extra week of soccer at the end. But I have no clue how I'm going to convince her to get dressed next week.

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